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Jury awards millions in bowel obstruction case

Definition for Malpractice

How does the public feel about medical malpractice cases? More important, how do jurors?  A recent medical malpractice award is making headlines in Illinois.  In March 2007, a 47 year old nurse went into the emergency room complaining of back and abdominal pain.  She later died that evening as a result of bowel obstruction.  The obstruction was caused by a previous gastric bypass surgery.  It is well known in the medical field that bowel obstruction is a typical complication for such surgeries.

The lawsuit was filed in 2009 on behalf the Nurse’s family by a Cardondale law firm.  After many years, the trial finally began on November 5 of this year.  It continued for weeks before a jury gave its findings this Monday, November, 18, 2013.  After deliberating for two hours, the jury awarded the nurse’s family just under $2.5 million.

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Did You Know

Did you know that if after your work injury, you are forced to obtain a lesser paying job, you may be eligible to receive payments representing the difference in what you could have made in your pre-injury employment versus what you are forced to earn post injury?
